Benefits of Turkesterone

Promotes muscle growth and testosterone levels

One outstanding benefit of turkesterone is that it supports muscle growth. This is achieved through improved muscle protein synthesis, resulting in a significant increase in muscle mass.

In addition, Turkesterone also demonstrates the ability to increase testosterone levels. Testosterone is a crucial hormone for muscle growth and strength development. With increased testosterone levels, you can expect improved protein synthesis, increased muscle hypertrophy, and optimized exercise performance. Our customers report about 10-15kg more weight in the basic exercises after a regular intake of about 1 month.

By combining the two effects of promoting muscle growth and increasing testosterone levels, Turkesterone is proving to be a valuable dietary supplement for anyone looking to increase muscle mass and improve physical performance.

Supports fat burning

One of the most frustrating side effects of going into a calorie deficit while dieting is the potential for muscle loss. When the body receives fewer calories, it tends to break down not only fat but also muscle mass to meet its energy needs.

However, Turkesterone can help reduce this effect. As a dietary supplement, it promotes nitrogen retention in muscles similar to anabolic steroids. This makes it easier to maintain muscle mass while dieting while also aiding in fat burning. Turkesterone is therefore a valuable aid to achieve the desired body fat percentage without losing valuable muscle mass.

Optimizes the body's stress response

An important aspect of the body is the stress response, in which the hormone cortisol plays a significant role. Elevated levels of cortisol in the body can have negative health effects, such as trouble sleeping, increased fat accumulation, and decreased muscle mass. As an important factor in the field of bodybuilding, it is particularly important to have a balanced cortisol level.

Turkesterone has been shown to reduce cortisol production in the body by decreasing sensitivity to stress. This has positive effects on your general state of mind as well as on your fat burning, muscle growth and physical fitness. By improving your stress response, turkesterone helps you feel better overall and more effective in achieving your physical goals.